Upcoming Events

Mindfulness for Mormons Evening:  An Introduction to Mindfulness.  Coming soon.

Join us for an evening of mindfulness practice, discussion and fun.  The evening is designed to be an introduction to mindfulness for LDS individuals and couples who are interested in learning ‘what this is all about.’  In addition to open discussion, brief presentations and light refreshments, we will be led in some short guided practices.

While the general focus will be an introduction to mindfulness, we will also be discussing some of the interfaces between mindfulness and LDS teaching.  All are welcome, religious or non-religious, who are interested in participating!

Several of us are hoping to make this a regular event.  If you have an interest in joining us, e-mail Jacob at jzhess@gmail.com

6 responses

  1. I love the idea for this website and I would like to get involved. I have been studying mindfulness privately and am enrolled in a 10 day Vipassana retreat that is coming up at the end of may. However I find some difficulty with maintaining my mindfulness practice alone. Does mindfully mormon host any of its own retreats or events?

  2. I’ve recently been speaking to some other mindfulness teachers who are Mormon about the possibility of hosting even an evening event where we could dive more explicitly into the mindfulness-morning connections. Dr. Cathy Thomas at BYU has done some trail-blazing work in that regard and I’m sure would support that kind of an event. Let’s talk sometime soon, Jordan! –Jacob

    • Hello Jacob this site is wonderful – My husband and I are also very interested in attending and/or being a part of any upcoming events if possible. I am LDS myself and just finishing up my certification to be a meditation instructor. My husband is LDS and an LMFT (Marriage & Family Therapist). As you may very well understand, as “transplants” to Utah and its distinctive LDS culture, we are more than interested in spreading the truth and spiritual enlightenment we’ve discovered through the practice of mindfulness! There is still a lot of stigma and misunderstanding out there; it feels like the Lord has brought us to a place of inspiration (and eagerness!) to shed some light on the subject. So excited that we are not alone, and we’d really love to collaborate with you and your colleagues. God bless you and Namaste! 🙂

      • Welcome to the “mindfulness missionary field,” you two…(:

        Lots to talk about….Would love to get together soon and discuss ways to synergize and support each other in this ongoing, fun work.

        A colleague and I have been contemplating some “Mindfulness/Mormonism Date Nights” as a soft-entry to the discussion and practice for friends and family.
        So excited to meet you both!

  3. Jacob,

    Kjrstin here, from good ol’ VHS. I found your site from a Facebook post. This is awesome! Working in the mental health field, I’ve often wondered how to combine mindfulness and meditation into LDS-land.

    Anyway, awesome site and ideas. I’m interested in any gatherings y’all sponsor.

    • Wow – hi Kjrstin! Super fun to hear from you…I’ve been talking with some others about organizing something. I’ll be sure to let you know when something is planned. Would love to see you.

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